Singing Guide: Eric Church

Singing Guide: Eric Church

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to learn singing like Eric Church

Eric Church is an American country music singer and songwriter, known for his powerful and distinctive voice. In this article, we will explore Eric Church's unique vocal technique and provide practical advice on how to achieve a similar style when singing. We will also highlight relevant Singing Carrots resources that can help you improve your singing like Eric Church.

Eric Church's Vocal Technique

Eric Church's voice is deep, gravelly, and unmistakably country. His unique vocal style is the result of a combination of techniques, including proper breathing, chest voice, and throat tension. Here are some tips on how to master these techniques and achieve Eric Church's signature sound:


Proper breathing is essential to any singer, and Eric Church is no exception. To achieve his deep and resonating voice, Eric Church uses diaphragmatic breathing. This technique involves breathing deeply into the belly, expanding the diaphragm, and allowing for greater lung capacity. To practice diaphragmatic breathing, try the Farinelli Breathing Exercise.

Chest Voice

Eric Church uses his chest voice extensively, which gives his singing a rich and full-bodied sound. To get a feel for singing in the chest voice, try the Chest Voice Explained Exercise.

Throat Tension

Eric Church uses tension in his throat to achieve his gravelly sound. This technique involves tightening the muscles in the throat, which creates a rough texture to the voice. However, it is essential to use this technique sparingly, as too much throat tension can put a strain on the vocal cords. For tips on avoiding constrictions in the throat, see the Avoiding Constrictions Article.

Songs to Showcase Eric Church's Vocal Technique

To showcase Eric Church's unique sound, we recommend trying the following songs:

  • "Hell on the Heart"
  • "Smoke a Little Smoke"
  • "Talladega"
  • "Desperate Man"
  • "The Outsiders"

Practical Advice

To improve your singing like Eric Church, we recommend the following Singing Carrots resources:


Learning to sing like Eric Church is a challenging but rewarding process. By mastering techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, chest voice, and throat tension, you can achieve a similar deep and resonating sound as Eric Church. Use Singing Carrots resources to help you practice and learn more about singing techniques like pitch accuracy and vocal range. With practice and commitment, you can improve your singing and achieve a signature sound like Eric Church's.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.